Currency Converter

Need to convert currencies quickly? Enter the information into our simple currency converter. Due to the real-time updating of our converter, you will always receive the most recent rates.

How to use a currency converter

The steps below should be followed to start a fresh conversion:

  • From one of the six dropdown lists, select your base currency.
  • Choose up to 5 different currencies.
  • Enter the amount in the base currency, and exchange rates will be calculated automatically.

Simply choose your preferred currency from the dropdown list to alter any of the currencies.

Frequently asked questions

Exchange rates are determined by either a floating rate or a fixed rate.

Floating rates are calculated based on supply and demand in the global markets. High demand for a currency will increase its value while low demand will drive the price down. On the other hand, a fixed rate is when a currency is set against another major currency, such as the Japanese yen or US dollar, by a government through its central bank.

There is no specific day that is the best time to exchange currency as forex pricing is based on numerous factors, such as economic and political events, news releases, investors’ confidence, and more.

A currency converter that is updated in real-time, like the RAMI Currency Converter, is best suited for knowing up-to-date exchange rates.

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